Aries Career | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

         The born leaders, the literal and metaphorical beginners of the Zodiac, Aries hate losing, and thus, they usually ‘win’! Well, that applies to each area of their lives. You will not regret having an Aries on your team, for when it comes to their careers, they like to go all guns blazing, provided they like the area/ subject. They may not decide on a vocation right away, but when they have decided, they go all out – after all, that’s the only way they know.

         The true Fire element in them raises its head whenever the Aries are confronted with a challenge, an adversity or some real pressure. They do not let this opportunity pass, for this is the time to display their trademark courage, strength, intensity and supreme energy. Their energy and action-orientation are worth imbibing, or at least, worth preserving. If you are an Aries, or have a loved one born under this Sign, we suggest, you don’t let your (or their) volatile, raw and immense potential get wasted.
         Competitive and boastful, Aries love playing games, provided these games are malice-free and fair. Genuine people, they are often honest, and sincerely believe in fair-play. Combustible, fiery and blatant they may be, but they never are inconsiderate and unfair. They like to take leadership rules, and thanks to their planetary rules, aggressive Mars, they make for strong, fierce, ruthless albeit conscientious leaders. Unsurprisingly, most of them are uncomfortable in subordinate roles, and even if there, they like to take projects head-on, often leaving a blazing trail for their colleagues to follow.

         Their cocksure belief in their abilities may get a tad irritating for their team-mates, yet Aries are unlikely to give up on anything they believe in. Most Aries crave adventure and speed, and their life is often a mix of both. No wonder they despise preachy staff meetings and retirement plans are rarely a part of their long-term agendas.

         Most important quality that Aries need to learn or cultivate as they go along their career paths is the ability to think through. We all know that hasty actions don’t bear sweet fruit in business and professional decisions. If the Aries imbibe this learning, they can avoid taking regrettable career decisions or moves. Another vital lesson they have to learn is to finish what they begin!

         The most suitable areas or professions for Aries are – Research, Medicine and related fields, Surgery, Mechanics, Athletics and Sports, Fire-fighting, Adventure Travel, Engineering, Psychology, and most importantly, Entrepreneurship.