Taurus Romance | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Element : Earth
Quality : Fixed; Feminine; Negative
Ruling Planet : Venus
Declaration : ‘I possess’
Lessons to give in love : Solidarity in love; ability to create material security net.
Lessons to learn in love : Flexibility; ability to forgive hurts and slights. Being a good listener.

Personality : The healthy, cherubic baby in Taurus is loved and admired by many, and yet many are afraid of his stubborn tantrums and sudden, unannounced grumpiness. The Taurean strength of purpose is well known. Often accused of being clingy, miserly and possessive, Taurus natives value stability and solidarity, and despise change. Sensual pleasures and experiences are vital to them. The enthusiastic baby hidden in them is delighted to employ his senses of touch, smell and taste to get pleasure. No wonder, most Taurus natives possess a keen eye for aesthetics, and an ardent love food, gourmet food at that. Happy go lucky and carefree, they, however, are famed for their fuming anger. When that happens, it’s best to stay away from their line of fire! 

Love for Taurus is : affection in its primal, physical, visible sensual sense. Love to Taurus ought to be pleasurable and available, when they need it. And, they like (and know) to both give and receive love. The deeper, more subliminal aspect of love may not be understood here, though. The understanding of love at the Taurean stage is very simple. Very steadfast and loyal, Taurus natives value material comforts and security, and get drawn to people who have and can provide for them. The Bull also desires to own fully and completely the one he loves – anger, stubbornness, dependence, jealousy and possessiveness are traits which ‘undo’ it for Taurus many a times.

When in Love : Bulls are devoted, and believe in showering their beloved with ample physical and material gestures of affection. Their understanding and display of love, though, may lack depth or tenderness, sometimes leaving their partner feeling empty. The faithful, headstrong Bull doesn’t mean it to be like that, but that’s the only way he knows love. Bull wants his loved ones to acknowledge and establish (with open affection or gifts) their love on a regular basis. Extremely persistent and unquestioning in love, they also desire equal, if not more, loyalty and commitment from their partner. Traditional and least change-oriented, Bulls are rather fixed, and their relationships tend to mirror their personality. The baby in them makes them dependent and clingy. Naturally, rejection and betrayal are abhorred.