Aquarius Decans | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Born between January 21 and January 29
If a person is born between these days, the planetary rulers are Saturn and Uranus. Saturn gives them the doggedness to overcome all the obstacles and hurdles. Uranus gives them a high degree of creativity and originality. It is an unbeatable combination. The person born under this sign would do well in the competitive world. Those born under this influence are versatile, adaptable and original. They are original thinkers and have many innovative ideas. They are unconventional in their approach towards life. They are very attractive and appear as fascinating to people. They are also happy in their own company and may tend to withdraw in their own world. They sometimes are prone to be eccentric too.

Born between January 30 and February 8
If a person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Mercury. The person born under this Decan would have good reasoning ability, ready wit and a knack to reach out to people with a mental and intellectual approach. The person is changeable and gets a big kick out of variety and change. Those born under this influence are open, honest and imaginative. They are very intelligent and quick witted. They are analytical thinkers and make decisions carefully using their head and not heart. They are natural academicians and scholars. They also possess a strong imagination. They tend to live their life at a fast pace and want instant results in everything.

Born between February 9 and February 18
If a person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Venus. The person born under this Decan is romantic and attractive to the opposite sex. Rest and relaxation may be absent from their lives. Their breath of vision marks them off from the rest of the humanity. Romantic inclinations may lead to misunderstanding. Those born under this influence are impulsive and charming. They vie for constant change and excitement. Many are intrigued by their enigmatic personality. They have a tendency of acting first and thinking later due to their impulsive nature. They also get bored with people and situations easily. They are sensitive and are generous too.