Libra Romance | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Element : Air
Quality : Cardinal; Masculine; Positive
Ruling Planet : Venus
Lessons to give in love : Ability to appreciate and internalise the concepts of balance, aesthetics and beauty.
Lessons to learn in love : Beauty may be love, but the beauty lies in the eyes of beholder! Harmony of hearts and compatibility score over appearances; depth is important too.

Personality : Akin to its symbol and its middle position in the zodiac, Libra is all about balance. The Libra knows that both good and bad, black and white, poor and rich are important to the wholesomeness of the experiences the world has to offer. And that, the key lies in moderation, in finding and internalising the fine art of balance. Existence comes to assume a wider perspective in the Libra world, and it includes all – the family, the society and the world. Logical and intelligent, Libra is capable of judging objectively, after carefully analysing both the sides of a coin. The Libra knows, and employs to his advantage the elegant art of gentle persuasion. The Cardinal leader leads the way and rules others without being brashly forceful. Charming to the tee, they are sensitive, but also realistic, and rarely allow emotions to rule their lives.

Love for the Libra is : harmony. Mating of minds that is balanced – not extreme in any way, and leads to happy, pleasurable results for the both sides. In Libra’s poised, symmetrical and harmonious world, love is a lot about beauty. Venus, the ruler of Libra infuses in him a deep-seated reverence for aesthetics, symmetry and harmony. This may become a problem for Libra, as he may fail to appreciate the deeper meaning of love. He may also take a lot of time in deciding on his perfect mate, as he is wants his mate to be completely balanced in everything. Charming and elegant, Libra people themselves rarely face any problem in finding admirers and lovers, but they, at times, take too much of time in deciding, and by that time, the one may leave – tired and disappointed. Libra people know that they have fallen in love, and like it to be with all the frills attached -wine, roses, candles, pink hearts et al.

When in Love : Libra makes for a very attractive, charming, tender, loving, committed and interesting partner. Objective and fair, they take their time to say yes, but once they have made up their minds, they seldom stage a walk-out. Although, they may come across as manipulative, employing their charms to the maximum, they often are hugely supportive and mindful of their mate’s decisions and happiness. They may go awry at times, owing to their quest for all things beautiful and rich in life, but they soon return to the mother earth, once their partner whistles a warning. Courteous, amiable and socially cued in as they are, they always believe in keeping up appearances, which may baffle their partners, at times.