Aries Relationship | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

As a Lover
The Rams are known to be flirtatious when it comes to romance, and will pro-actively pursue their beloved. When they are attracted to someone, they will go straight to the point, instead of beating around the bush. However, they can easily get disaffected, and if you wish to hit it off with them, you cannot afford to be monotonous, but will have to keep engaging them in new things. You will have to keep pace with their energy, says Ganesha. The Rams are passionate and love adventure. It is not very easy to build a relationship with them, but once they commit, they are usually honest and loyal for life, provided you keep them cared for and intrigued.

As a Father
The Ram generally makes for a dominating father. Though he would like his children to do their bidding, he also gives them enough space to let their natural talents flower. Given the perfectionist the Ram himself is, his only motive is to see his children reach the very zenith of whatever they choose as a career. Lover of outdoor sports and fitness per se, he will also encourage them to play, and not just study all the time. This is also true, because an Aries father wants his children to become complete human beings, and not just geeks! He is broad-minded and treats his children as his friends, so they can really trust him, but he makes it amply clear that he is a father first. The danger here is that the Aries father may unwittingly impose his likes and dislikes on his children. Also, he may be too lost in his own inner life, at times, to be there for his kids.

As a Mother
The Aries mother has much the same inclinations as the Aries father. She loves to dominate, but here too the motive is protective, and the only thing she has at heart is the well-being of her children. Her maternal instincts will make her want to spoon-feed her children, but she can be very strict, if she sees them veering from their aims and objectives in life. Yes, the aims and objectives are set! Like the Aries father, she too is keen on seeing her children excel in sports, not just studies, so she encourages them to play outdoor games and indulge in myriad activities, and not just the academics. She will be happy to see her children happy, but again, will demand compliance with her wishes. Sometimes, therefore, says Ganesha, she can be more stifling for the kids than their father.

As Children
The Rams as children respect and love their parents. Rarely wild and rebellious, they, however, may be strong enough to follow a chosen path, despite parents’ disapproval. Most of them are also very attached to their parents, and as the parents grow older, these children tend to become more caring towards their parents’ needs. However, the Ram children have an obstinate streak, and may stick to their demands and not calm down until their patents comply, says Ganesha. They can also be a bit aggressive, both with their siblings at home and with their friends outside, and, as a parent, you may have a tough time making them realise their mistakes. Their temper-tantrums can often vex their parents to the point of intolerance. However, rest assured that they are destined for big things, and will bring glory to the family.

As a Boss
As a boss, the Rams can be very tough task-masters. However, Ganesha says, they are not totally devoid of compassion. They can not only identify with the problems of their workers, but will also do everything to help them out of their predicaments. But at the end of the day, they will not settle for anything less than 100 percent results. They are also very innovative and will introduce new technologies in their offices to make work easier for their employees. They give a lot of freedom to their employees regarding working hours as long as they get their desired output.
As a friend
As friends, the Rams feel ‘the more the merrier’, so they are likely to have lots of friends, with a lot of variety thrown in. They can easily adjust to the varied nature of their many friends, even with diametrically opposite personalities, and are often seen as the bonding factor among their friend circles. However, Ganesha says, their friends will find it difficult to hold on to them unless they display the same energy levels and the same zest to get things done. Though they are sensitive enough, they cannot be treated as a shoulder to cry on. Once they have formed a solid bond with a friend, though, they can be relied upon for life.