Capricorn Career | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

When the Capricorn begin their career, it’s like as if they have set out on a mission – a mission to keep working hard and reach their destination, come what may. Starting at the bottom of the ladder and working their way to the top doesn’t give them jitters. In fact, the struggle brings them a sense of pride and adds value to their achievements. No pain, no gain, they believe!

However, there is an observation – No matter how insignificant or less paying the Goat’s current job is, the sincere and hard-working individual in him/ her needs to feel that he/ she is working towards something bigger and better! This Capricorn need to feel depended on stems from the fact that they are the proverbial fathers, the providers of the zodiac. And, that is why they always like to believe, and don’t hesitate in working towards it, that they are an important cog in the machinery. They don’t like to be in jobs for long, which do not carry much importance or do not contribute to the bigger picture.

Ambitious that they are, these up-climbing Mountain Goats don’t mind working tirelessly to realise their dreams. However, they tend to choose conventional fields that can give them authority, status, and above all, security. Rather than for a road less travelled, these peace-loving people prefer to go a battered and time-tested path. Risks, especially those which may jeopardise their financial security, are not their thing. Not that they never take chances, they do and in plenty, but the risks that they take are well-calculated and seldom impulsive.

Admired for their discipline, dedication and diligence, Capricorn display an amazing amount of commitment and patience, regardless of the type of their career or job profile. When a situation goes haywire, it is the Capricorn to whom the rest of the team members turn to for guidance and inspiration, and the Capricorn invariably live up to the high expectations.

However, in their bid to build a career that will last forever, the industrious Capricorn run the risk of becoming workaholics, putting their personal lives and relationships on the back-burner. Yes, they will take some time out to relax and unwind, but the unfinished tasks, in all likelihood, will always be on the back of their minds. Striking a fine a balance between personal life and worldly aspirations is something these trustworthy and honest people should learn. The sooner they learn, the better it is for them and their cherished ones.

Very resourceful, Goats know how to use their time and money well. A combination of their analytical, inquisitive mind and management skills make them suited for careers in Finance, Management, Banking, Accounts, Law and Administration. They also tend to have a great potential to make a bright career in Science and Medicine. Creative fields like Media, Advertising, Productions, Arts etc. are also suited quite well to their mindset.