Cancer Decans | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Born between June 22 and July 1 
If the person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Moon. Now, the fact is that the nature makes them a double Cancerian, in which all the positive and negative traits of this sign would be more prominent. Those born under this influence are sensitive, generous and creative. They have a great sense of intuition, and are very eager to help others in a positive fashion. In doing this, they earn a enormous amount of self satisfaction. Hence, they can be termed as true givers. A feeling of sense of security for themselves and their loved ones is essential for them. In addition, they are the happiest when in the company of their near and dear ones where they feel most comfortable. However, they tend to be over emotional blocking their objectivity while dealing with matters which require their judgement. 

Born between July 2 and July 12
If the person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Mars. Mars stands for force, vigour, energy, power and vitality. Hence the stronger qualities of the Zodiac Sign Cancer are generally exhibited in the individuals of this Decan. It’s, thus, noteworthy that these people should take care to not become too dictatorial. In a positive sense, nonetheless, these people are generous, caring and sensitive, even if possessive and watery. These people, since they tend to exhibit the strongest of the Cancer traits, also tend to be moody to the tee, often vacillating between reticence and exuberance. Overall, the best careers suited for them are teaching, arts, creatives and design. These people are dreamy by nature, and would do well to ensure that they channelise their instinct in the best possible way, or else they may squander their energies. 

Born between July 13 and July 22 
If the person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Jupiter. Jupiter in this Decan is known as the Great Benefic. The person born under this Decan can be assured of good fame and fortune in his./ her life. The person also tends to gain through education and travel. Jupiter gifts these natives with the gift of intellect and intelligence. And, they would do well to make the best out these gifts. However, these people may also be melancholy and negative in their disposition, often prone to see the neagtives. They may also be unable to take strong decisions, owing to which they themselves may suffer for their entire lives, specifically on their personal or emotional fronts.