Detailed Sagittarius Horoscope | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

General description: From November 22 to December 21, the Sun transits through the Sign of Sagittarius. People born during this period tend to be fun loving, carefree and have special likings for travelling. In fact, they are often called the eternal wanders of the Zodiac. Besides, they are always keen on knowing people better and learning more about different cultures. Honest and at times tactless, the Sagittarius are adventurous people who will not shy away from trying out new things.

Element - Fire
Quality - Mutable (= flexibility)

Characteristics: Masculine, positive

Ruling planet: Jupiter

Detriment: Mercury

Exaltation: The South Node of the Moon

Fall: The North node of the Moon

Symbol: an Archer, with half man and half horse body
The Symbol denotes: Positive outlook and an open-minded and generous disposition

Birthstone – Topaz, Amethyst

Birth Colours – Blue, Dark blue

Other lucky colours - Yellow, Yellow-orange, Black, Indigo

Associated Flowers and Plants - Asparagus, Dandelions, Carnations, pink coloured flowers

Quality most needed for balance - Attention to detail, Administrative & organizational skills

Deepest need – To expand mentally

Compatible Signs - Aries, Leo

Best sign/s for marriage and/or partnerships - Gemini

Anatomically Sagittarius corresponds to: The sacrum and the sciatic nerve that proceeds down from it, enervating the upper and back parts of the legs, the hips and the thighs; the sacrum and tibia bones; muscles in the thighs and buttocks; arteries serving the thighs and buttocks; veins serving the thighs and buttocks.

Noteworthy qualities: Sincere, frank, honest, just, generous, foresighted, philosophical, dependable, independent, buoyant, jovial, logical.

Undesirable personality traits: Boisterous, overconfident, rash, changeable, blunt, aggressive, uncompromising, carefree, inconsistent.