Libra Zodiac – find about Libra preferences and lifestyle

Food for Libra: The Scales need to keep a watch on their blood sugar balance. To keep them healthy, the foods recommended for them are almonds, peas, brown rice, beet, oat meal, strawberries, apples, spinach, raisins, asparagus and corn. They also need Omega 3 acids which are abundant in seafood. They should stay off sugary and starchy foods. Libra rules the kidneys so they should avoid excess sugar, alcohol and carbonated drinks. Drink pure water and consider investing in a quality purifier or filter for your home.

Libra Physical Structure: The Scales have harmonious and pleasant features in an oval-shaped face. They have a neck as long and elegant as a swan’s. They have beautiful almond-shaped eyes that dart from side to side, a V-shaped chin, chubby cheeks and dimples. They are of average height and built, and tend to put on weight in middle age. It is due to this reason that they need to make sure of exercising regularly during their teenage and adolescence.

Libra Habits: The Scales love to have the best of everything, and will blow up their last penny to get them. They may be able to manage their ‘shopoholic’ tendencies as long as the going is good, but on the rainy day they could be left high and dry – and with no one to bail them out. They need to learn moderation and to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. And besides, some of them, even when they are saving enough, can go on complaining about not earning enough.

Libra Health: The Scales don’t often face health concerns, mainly because of their preoccupation with looking young and beautiful – and doing the needful. But their problem areas can be their back, buttocks, kidneys and bladder. Frustrations, too, can easily get to them, especially when a relationship doesn’t go the way they want it to. They need to keep away from high calorie foods and alcohol, as this can lead to weight gain. However, their need to look smart is so strong that they quickly take remedial action in order to get back to their nice, delicate, deeply charming and elegant look.

Libra Beautyscope: A heavy necklace would make the Scales look more beautiful, especially enhancing that charming smile. But they need to smile oftener, and practice their graceful gait. Soft beige, pink lipstick with a glossy finish brings out their beauty. Lacy, colourful dresses, sandals, Capri pants and tank-tops suit them. They will follow fashion tips only if they feel they suit them. They create a personal style and make that a fashion statement.