Sagittarius Nature | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Your sign Sagittarius is the ninth of the Zodiac, symbolised by a Centaur with an upper portion of a human and the hind portion of a horse. You possess, therefore, both the higher and lower instincts. The human part, holding a bow and arrow pointing towards the heaven, indicates that you have a spiritual nature. It also means that you are very optimistic and always look at the brighter side of things, never getting cowed down by the difficulties in store. On the flip side, you can be rather rude and reject even the best of suggestions. You are highly active and love the outdoors, and outdoor activities. You take interest in all kinds of sports and physical activities. You are kind-hearted and sincere; always trying to fix problems for your loved ones. Although you are very active, it can sometimes manifest as a sort of restlessness. You also often find it hard to concentrate on several things at a time.

Sagittarius Key Planet: Jupiter
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the biggest planet in our solar system. It represents expansive action. It is the king of all that is bigger, better and more. But, as it is rightly said, too much is too bad, and can be counter-productive. Jupiter can encourage you to overspend or overindulge. Jupiter is like a magnifying lens which makes a small opportunity look larger than life. As your key planet, Jupiter encourages you to make use of those opportunities, to live life as it comes, probably as an adventure, and to believe in something which is greater than yourself.

Sagittarius Ninth House: Travel
If the Third House is the House of short-distance journeys, then the opposite Ninth House could be called as the House of long-distance journeys. It is all about travel to distant lands, higher education and the potential adventure that the future has in store.

Sagittarius Element: Fire
You fall under the Fire sign, and are endowed with endless energy. Just like fire, your reserves of energy never get exhausted with use. You are also unpredictable in your actions. You often don’t plan ahead and tend to act without thinking. You simply can’t restraint yourself from jumping into action. However, your energy gives warmth, and is not destructive. You always have the best interest of the people close to your heart.

Sagittarius Strength:
You are gifted with many positive qualities. You are known as the most active sign of the Zodiac, endowed with athletic qualities, which make you highly successful in sports and adventures. You are independent, optimistic, cautious, friendly and sincere.

Sagittarius Weakness:
Your high spiritedness often makes you act without considering all the pros and cons of your actions. You tend to get bored easily and may frequently keep disturbing the status quo. This can make you lose focus in life. You other negative points are that you are restless, inflexible and unemotional. You can rectify these negative traits by wearing the appropriate gemstone.