Taurus Description | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Those born under the Zodiac Sign Taurus (Vrushabha), the second Sign of the Zodiac calendar, focus on the rewards they would get for their efforts and hard-work, and would not plunge headlong into the challenge of the game without thinking through it. Symbolised by the Bull, the Taurus natives are down to earth and display a no-nonsense approach, often only saying what they really mean.

Practical, stable and reliable, the Taurus prefer to take each day as it comes and march towards their goals slowly but steadily. Their strength is in their stability, loyalty and dogged determination. It takes a lot to deviate a Taurus from his path and make him lose his focus. The Taurus want to reach their final destination, and they will!

But, the Taurus are averse to taking risks, and certainly are never rash. The reason number one – the Bulls are security lovers – their security net is paramount to them. Reason number two – they are lazy and have an inherent need to hold on to their possessions. So, all in all a Bull likes to play a safe game. Well, that is not such a bad thing always, though this tendency may stop them from going all out and having fun.

These security-loving souls like to be rooted to their environment, work, home or opinions. Others may call it their stubbornness, but the Taurus prefer to call it the need to guard their stability. This makes their mind closed to new ideas and radical changes. But, this doesn’t stop them from giving their best to whatever they undertake. Thus, they may be stubborn and headstrong, they also possess a dogged determination that’s so rarely seen elsewhere in the Zodiac. No wonder, the Bulls rarely buckle under pressure and adversity. They prefer to be in a rather Zen-like peace. Don’t mistake them to be withdrawn, though.

Usually, the Taurus are extremely patient and dependable. But when annoyed, the Taurus will rage and turn ferocious and unstoppably angry. Sure, they are temperamental, but once the thunder dies down, they also prove to be the sloppiest of sentimentalists. They are also quick to regain their Buddha-like stance, almost as if nothing happened!

The Bulls also carry a very strong sense of values and possess a distinct personality. Besides, they are very artistic and sometime very musical too. The good life in all its forms – the fine arts, music, good food, physical pleasures and material goods are heaven on Earth to the Taurus-born. If you closely observe a Taurus, you will see that their possessions speak highly of the need to own the best. This is not to say that they are self-centred individuals, but materialistic they are. Plus, family lovers that they are, the Bulls also ensure that the things they do or possess make their near and dear ones happy.

Overall speaking, most Taurus natives are excellent individuals. However, their stubbornness, combined with their trademark laziness, can create problems they may find difficult to deal with. Often they make little or no effort to change the situation they are around them. Hence, they may find themselves in similar kinds of situation again and again