Sagittarius Zodiac – find about Sagittarius preferences and lifestyle

Food for Sagittarius : The weak point of the Archers is their livers, so they need to eat foods that keep this organ healthy. These would include beets, tomatoes, plums, chicken, fish, prunes, apples, oats, raw eggs, strawberries, skin of fruits and vegetables, dates, cherries, green beans and corn. Alcohol and smoking are an absolute no-no. This sign needs to keep active and are prone to skip meals inadvertently. They should make it a habit to keep some fresh fruit and veggie snacks handy and to drink lots of water.

Sagittarius Physical Structure: The Archers are very strong, tall and have thick hair. You will mostly find them smiling, and their sparkling eyes make them very charming. Even the tone of their voice is very pleasing. Their arms are longer than their trunks. The nose is usually big, as are their top-row teeth. They tend to put on weight in middle age because of over-indulgence, and movements become restless. Their appearance is jovial, and their sartorial sense is casual but always in keeping with their generous nature and the given situation. They are great at adapting to changing circumstances.

Sagittarius Habits: The Archers don’t form habits easily. It takes a great deal of indulgence for anything to become a habit for them. Once formed, though, it can be the most difficult thing for them to get rid of. One flaw is that they can be downright brutal while telling the truth, which can really hurt people, so they need to learn more compassionate ways of conveying whatever they have to. They don’t worry too much about money matters, and can easily take to gambling. However, they can save enough if they cut down on socialising too much.

Sagittarius Health: The Archers are mostly strong, and especially in the early part of their lives rarely face any health issues. But they are prone to excess or over-indulgence which could lead to problems of the liver. Their hips, thighs, stomach and feet are also susceptible. They would do well to avoid drinking too much, or having rich diets. They need to be careful of their lifestyle in order not to suffer from high blood pressure or more severe disorders affecting the liver. They may also experience some problems of sciatica or torn ligament in the thighs. They should also drive carefully to avoid accidents.

Sagittarius Beautyscope: The Archers prefer a casual, sporty style of dressing as it symbolises their personality best. They look great in T-shirts, chopped off shorts, and a sports cap. Because they have long legs, leggings and tight jeans enhance their beauty. Light purple is their favourite colour and it brings out their pleasant, friendly nature. However, the Archer is usually too occupied with other things to be bothered about dressing up. They want to wear clothes that will serve them under any kind of weather condition.