Pisces Nature | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Symbolised by two fish, swimming in opposite directions, Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. The Fish are versatile and fluid, and gift its natives with a wide-ranging traits. You, as a Pisces, could be as dangerous as a shark in the ocean, or as docile as a fish in the pond. You are quiet, submissive and friendly on surface, but inside you have an immense potential hidden, along with a strong, fierce independent streak. The biggest dreamers of the Zodiac, you like to live in your own world – fantasy, imaginary or idealistic whatever it is, but it has to be your own world. Many of you also tend to look at life through rose-tinted glasses, something that lends you charm, profundity and romanticism rarely found elsewhere in the Zodiac. You, by nature, shun confrontation, and that is what makes you rather vulnerable. When encountered by harsh realities of life, you may retreat into your own world of imagination. People may view you as passive, or even slow and weak, but you often know the best course for yourself. Yes, you can be stubborn, but the ones who know you well will take this tiffle shortcoming in their stride, usually beacuse you are so loving, caring and compassionate. You have a tender heart, and reach out to rescue the less fortunate ones. 

Pisces Key Planet: Neptune 
Neptune is the God of the Seas. It symbolises the dissolution of reality, as it is believed that all Earth arises from the ocean and eventually dissolves into it. Neptune is represented by the mists, which prevent you from seeing reality. Instead, you must rely on your own imagination to guide you through the hidden realms. As your main planet, Neptune is about the spiritual and the mystical. It’s about anything that you cannot see with your five senses. 

Twelfth House: Endings 
The Twelfth House is like the astrological refuse collector. It’s not about endings in the traditional sense; it’s more about recycling. It is also about spirit, surrender and secrets. Here is where you brush up against your own limitations and see how can undo what you have done wrong. 

Element: Water 
Quite fittingly, you fall under the Water Sign. People falling under the Water sign are emotional in nature. Just like water, your emotions can run deep or can be shallow. Besides, your emotions don’t remain constant throughout the day. Mood shifts are quite normal among your sign. The watery nature of your sign also makes you a perfect dreamer. You can live in a world of your thoughts and beliefs. Sometimes only you can relate to others’ thoughts, and it is precisely this uncanny intuitive insight that sets you apart from all other signs. 

Pisces Strength: 
Your main strength is that you are imaginative, and therefore creative. You can never be an egoist. You can adapt to myriad situations with ease, and make good friends. Your other virtues are that you are compassionate, tolerant, dedicated and sincere. 

Pisces Weakness: 
You tend to be passive and submissive, which may make you gullible and vulnerable. You may easily be exploited by others. Your other weaknesses include your over-emotional nature, over sentimentality and pessimism. You may also be irresolute and confused, and may exhibit escapist or hedonistic tendencies.