Detailed Virgo Horoscope | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

General description: The Sun enters Virgo on or around August 23. The people born under the Zodiac Sign Virgo have a great sense of duty and will leave no stone unturned to do the job assigned to them perfectly. Energetic, intelligent and efficient that they are, the Virgo can accomplish quite a lot in life. Besides, they are always helpful and humble. However, the Virgo tend to be picky and overly critical, and their insistence on perfection many a times gets in the way of their clear thinking. 

Element – Earth
Quality – Mutable (= flexibility)
Characteristics: Earthy, mutable, feminine, cold

Ruling planet: Mercury
Detriment: Neptune
Exaltation: Mercury
Fall: Venus
Symbol: the Virgin

The Symbol denotes: Matters pertaining to food, fitness, clothing, hygiene and health

Birthstone - Sardonyx
Birth Colours – Earth tones, ochre, orange, yellow
Other lucky colours - Grey, fawn, muted yellows, mushroom, blues, greens and brown
Flowers and Plants - Narcissus, all small, coloured flowers especially blue and yellow and all nuts
Quality most needed for balance - A broader perspective
Deepest need – To be useful and productive
Compatible Signs - Taurus, Capricorn
Best sign/s for marriage and/or partnerships - Pisces

Anatomically Virgo corresponds to: Bowels or abdomen; rectal and abdominal muscles; arteries serving the digestive system, particularly the intestine; intestinal veins.

Noteworthy qualities: Thoughtfulness, sensitivity, efficiency, cautiousness, intelligence, domesticity, prudence, industriousness, action-orientation, intuitiveness, perfectionism

Undesirable personality traits: Selfishness, irritability, apprehension, secretiveness, scepticism, coldness, unresponsiveness, inconstancy, indecision, short tempered nature, timidity, calculative approach.