Aries Decans | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Born between March 21 and March 30
         If a person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Mars. Mars is the planet of energy and surplus of energy would mean quarrels, fights and clashes. It is best to keep the tongue and temper in control. Illness could hit between 42 to 56 years. The 28th year would be noteworthy. Those born under this influence are fearless and pioneers in their own respective fields. They are the initiators, however they are impulsive and impatient too. They always want to be the first in whatever endeavour they undertake, and are proactive enough to get whatever they want in life and work for it tirelessly. They are also assertive and aggressive, and dominant by nature. 

Born between March 31 and April 9
         If a person is born between these days, his/ her planetary ruler is Sun. This is a fortunate Decan to be born under, implying that the person would have both constructive and creative abilities. The person born under this Decan shall be – ambitious, kind-hearted, idealistic and a born leader. Those born under this influence are also creative and hard working. They are high achievers, who would work relentlessly, until they achieve whatever they desired for. They also tend to possess a good sense of humour, and have an uncanny ability to laugh on themselves. The negative traits of these people are that they tend to be boastful braggers. They always want to be the centre of attraction for everything, and thus always are attention seekers.  
Born between April 10 and April 20
         If a person is born between the aforementioned days, their planetary ruler is Jupiter. Intuitive and generous, they enjoy the company of others and revere learning and knowledge. These persons would also enjoy the good things in life, and do well in the positions of trust and responsibility. The persons born under this influence also tend to be adventurous. They love to explore new things and love the company of other people. Initiators of avant garde, they never shirk from helping out the others in the time of their problems. These people posses a keen thirst for knowledge, and that is why they always learn new things with a surprising alacrity. The negative traits of these people are that they tend to have unrealistic expectations and live in the dreamy worlds of their own.