Detailed Leo Horoscope | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

General description: The Sun enters Leo on or around July 22 and transits through it by August 23. Self-confident and assertive, the people born under the Zodiac Sign Leo are often generous to a fault. Ambitious and enthusiastic, the Leo love the comforts of life and ensure that they earn enough so that their needs are met. Besides, with the kind of leadership skills and convincing power that they possess, getting things done is not a difficult task for them. Although bossy and vane at times, the Leo are decisive, intensely proud and very romantic. 

Element – Fire
Quality – Fixed (= stability)
Characteristics: Fiery, fixed, masculine, strong, bitter

Ruling planet: The Sun
Detriment: Uranus
Exaltation: Pluto
Fall: Neptune
Symbol: the Lion
The Symbol denotes: Commanding, fiery, daring and kingly, yet generous attitude

Birthstone - Diamond and amber
Birth Colours – Gold, orange, red
Other lucky colours - Sunlight colours – yellow, gold and orange 
Lucky Day - Sunday 
Associated Flowers and Plants - Sunflowers, marigold, rosemary , passion flowers and citrus fruits like orange, palm trees and even olive trees
Quality most needed for balance - Humility
Deepest need – Elation, need to shine and rule
Compatible Signs - Aries, Sagittarius
Best sign/s for marriage and/or partnerships - Aquarius
Anatomically Leo corresponds to: The heart, indicative of vital power, ardency, interchange, and generation; spinal marrow, nerves and fibre; dorsal vertebrae; back and shoulder blade muscles; aorta, anterior and posterior coronary arteries.

Noteworthy qualities: Loyalty, kindness, tolerance, generosity, inspiration, philanthropy, fearlessness, chivalry, optimism, intuitiveness, industriousness

Undesirable personality traits: Arrogance, domination, guilelessness, fussiness, anger, sensitivity, impetuousness, impatience, bluntness.