Signature Analysis : Your Signature Says it All

Well, before coming to analysis part, starting with the definition of Signature:

A Signature is a textual and symbolic form of representation of one’s name. It is unique from person to person.
This Signature is not just limited to delegating authority or certifying documents, but it reveals personality traits of a person. Signature Analysis now has gained much importance with coming time and is also being used to analyze the personality of Job Seeker or Admission Seeker or it is also done as an independent study.
  • Signature Analysis is all-together a very large subject and each and every concept cannot be covered at a single go! However we at Freefeast have tried to collect some basic analysis about common Signature practices.
  • The initially analyzed elements in a person’s Signature are: use of underline, Capital –Non Capital alphabet usage, use of dots, type of base lines etc.
  • One’s handwriting is body language, and just as your other body language will show whether one is aggressive, assertive or passive, so will one’s writing.

The bonus from analyzing Signature is that if one doesn’t like the type which you are; one can change it by changing one’s Signature.
When the letters like g, y etc extend downwards and form sharp angle, it reflects aggression, it is not always negative, it is sometimes extremely necessary, and hence it depends on the perceiver that how he/she perceives this aggression.
The person who are able to keep calm and sign with less distortion are considered to be calm and composed, where as the persons who signature resembles distortion in time of pressure are considered to be emotional.
When any one character of one’s signature (generally the last character) is tailed much larger than all others, it is analysed as the person signing it wants to get noticed, of course with diplomacy!
When in the Signature, the downward slopes are made at a stretch or without fading or curving, is the believed that one who has signed t is Assertive in nature.
When in Signature the person makes a simple short line, it generally shows self reliance and simplicity, however more the slants and curves more the person is believed to be demanding attention.
On the same fronts, the curvy line shows the pleasing character of the person whose signature is being analyzed.
Regarding the size of Signature, it is forecasted that, larger the size of person, more outgoing is the person.
Regarding the slant of Signature, it is perceived that if the signature is upward slanting, than it shows ambitious nature and steady the Signature, it shows balanced approached to life.
Lets see some tricks that reveals about the person from signature :
Size of Signature
If the size of signature is larger than the rest of handwriting, it is the indication of self confidence and higher self esteem and indication of “Notice Me”
If the size of signature is smaller than the rest of  hand writing, it indicates lack of self confidence and expecting  a little esteem from other people and quite insecure and don’t want to be noticed.
If the size of signature is same as the rest of the handwriting, it is the indication of balance and his behavior is same in private as well as in public and seems that person wants fit at everywhere.
Writing a signature with pressure means a person seems to be full of energy and successful while writing a signature with light pressure means that person might avoid situation which needs more energy than he/she might have.
Slant on right side tells that person is emotional attached to the situations and having caring nature and  slant on left side tells that the person hides his/her feelings and absence of slant in signature reveals that person has control over emotions and feelings.
Additions and trimming in signature
Line in the signature indicates that person is unhappy or self-critical
Underlining in signature indicates that person wants importance and responsibility
Full stop in signature indicates self-centeredness.
Vertical line at the end of signature indicates that person wants private world and want to stay away from outside world.
Circles in signature indicate that person is defensive and want protection and support.
If the person slowly writes signature it shows that person wants to make impression of his/her personality or differentiate private and public personality and who writes signature fast is generally aware of the thing that writing is illegible. Illegible writing reveals many things like that person might be in hurry or that person don’t want to be noticed or known or might want to keep identity unknown
Place of Signature
Signature, in the middle reveals importance and attention. Signature in the left reveals a pose or want uniqueness and signature in right reveals natural and forward looking.
Generally a signature which consists of first & last name, or the first name then middle initial & last name. So people who write their first name in capital letter and larger than the last name indicates that the person likes to be known from his/her name rather than to be known from family background.
Person who writes their last name larger than the first name indicates that the person likes to be known from family background or identification.
The person who signs letter of first name and full last name is said to be balanced person.