Capricorn Decans | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Born between December 22 and December 31
If a person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Saturn. The person born under this Decan is often very very powerful. Philosophical and at times stoical in their attitude, the people under this Decan are fair, idealistic and trustworthy. They make ideal industrialists, contractors, engineers, builders, statesmen and politicians, given their intelligence, leadership qualities and communication skills. Those born under this influence are also patient, determined and hard working. Nonetheless, they posses the energy, zeal and determination to complete any project they undertake. They are very loyal and caring about the people they love, and would strive to provide them with material security and comforts. However, the negative traits of these people are that they can suffer from mood swings, low moods or depression. They need a caring presence to sort them out.

Born between January 1 and January 10
If a person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Venus. The person born in this Decan would have best of the both world, thus – pleasure as well as profit. However, quite a few Capricorn born in this Decan face emotional or marriage problems. This happens due to their self-immersed nature. Nonetheless these Goats are very dependable, make excellent entrepreneurs and can be trusted with areas like mass production, public relations and executive management. The Capricorn in this Decan are the most balanced as well. These people are charming, creative and adaptable. They are sociable creatures, and in turn, people enjoy their company. If they use their creativity properly, combined with their zest and ambition, they can rise to the top of any endeavour, which they choose to undertake. Tender and caring towards their loved ones, they may, however, hard taskmasters to many. In a negative manifestation, these people can be pessimistic and moody.

Born between January 11 and January 20
If a person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Mercury. Messages, media and communication will not only interest them but would also shape their life. Sales, agencies, commission line of business come directly under this Decan. The persons born under this Decan should use their contacts and influences fully. Those born under this influence are intelligent, loyal and disciplined. They are practical in nature and see functionality in everything. They are highly intelligent and combined with their ambition and zest can rise to top position in any sphere of work they choose. They are tremendously loyal in their relationships with their near and dear ones. However, these people tend to dwell on the past and hold grudges.