Leo Romance | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Element : Fire.
Quality : Fixed; Masculine; Positive.
Ruling Planet : Sun.
Lessons to give in love : Great faith in the power of self and of love. Ability to love oneself, and to remain ecstatic when in love. 
Lessons to learn in love : Modesty and humility. And, that love is as much about giving as it is about taking. 

Personality : The king Leo is regal, proud and confident – of the self, of the ability and of the knowledge he has and he believes he will attain. Courageous, large-hearted and compassionate, Lion is full of youthful enthusiasm and vigour, and is the proverbial performer – his ruling Sun makes him hugely popular and socially cued in. The symbol of idealistic young blood, the bright, warming sunshine and the spring bloom, the teenage youth in the Leo loves gazing at himself, admiring his handsome features, dogged drive, keen perception, surprising candour and admirable wit. The smug Lion prances around, singing paeans of his own accomplishments, so much so that he borders on to arrogance. He prefers having the final word in whatever he is involved. And, given his benevolent Leonine spirit, he takes it on himself to advise others (even lecture) and care for the vulnerable.

Love for the Leo is : romance – bright, frothy and beautiful – akin to movies/ fairy tales. A Lion loves the idea of ‘being in love’, and it’s the very feeling of being in love, of loving and loved that infuses in them so much positivity and vitality. It’s also about not loving someone else, but oneself, and the whole world, at large. In the sense that the Lion manages to draw enjoyment and fulfilment out of loving without ties, without conditions and without expectations. But then, that is ideal, and Leo does demand returns. Lion’s urge for power and dominance finds its way in the domain of love too. Leos like submission, and crave assurance. Never the ones to shirk away from giving generously, they do demand that gratitude be expressed with candour and affections be returned with reverence.

When in Love : Leos are supremely ardent, affectionate, loving and amorous. They love pampering their loved ones with open displays of affection, royal treatment, magnanimous gestures – you name it. But, also expect ample doses of praises and thank-yous in return. Although, they possess all the qualities of a great life partner, are extremely supportive, strong and benevolent, they can be very taxing as lovers. They prefer being in the driving seat in a relationship, and their pride, though overt and bountiful, is still very fragile. Leos make doting, proud partners, but in return from their partners they crave unfailing loyalty, strength of character, love bordering on to reverence, silent submission to their (often) raging temper and dominance.