Cancer Traits | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

The Cancer-born are quite complex individuals, but fundamentally, they are conservative and home-loving people. They love to be in familiar surroundings and nurture their relationships. Let’s see what are their positive as well negative traits.

Positive traits:
The people under the Zodiac Sign Cancer can think out-of-the-box and put their imagination to best use. However, they do run the risk of becoming over-imaginative.
The intuitive powers that a Cancer possesses work as a great guiding force for him or her. More than logic, a Cancer relies on his/ her gut feeling while taking decisions. 
These sensitive individuals are loyal and giving, and will rarely expect much in return of their faithfulness. 
The Cancer-born deeply love and admire the people they are close to. Even the distant ones also get to experience the loving side of the Cancer quite frequently. 
Although they may appear cold and detached, the Cancer are quite emotional people. They empathise with others and love to take care of them. 
The Cancer are fiercely protective of their personal space, interests, possessions, relationships and loved ones. 

Negative traits:
The Cancer-born are extremely moody and their mood swings are quite unpredictable, which may become overwhelming for the people around them. 
Their energy levels get easily affected by setbacks and failures. It is observed that the Cancer are prone to pessimism. 
This is their typical characteristic. The Cancer-born can let things go easily, and hence, they find it look beyond the imperfections and move on. 
They can be so over-sensitive that they tend to harbour imaginary hurts and setbacks. This can create highly unsettling conditions for them. 
They tend to doubt people’s intentions as they have an imaginary fear that people are waiting for them to tumble. They will have to double-check everything! 
Born nagger
It will not be too much to say that the Cancer-born are born naggers. The negative energy this habit may create can make people stay away from them.