Scorpio Zodiac – find about Scorpio preferences and lifestyle

Food for Scorpio : The Scorpios should drink lots of water and eat foods with good cholesterol and zinc to maintain their health. Foods recommended for them are oysters, snails, figs, avocados, black cherries, cottage cheese, onions, watercress, parsnips, asparagus, mustard, cauliflower, coconut, fish and lobster. They should religiously avoid alcohol. Scorpios are blessed with great regenerative powers. They should make sure that their protein intake is adequate to provide amino acids and building blocks for the body.

Scorpio Physical Structure: Scorpios are usually of sturdy built, with stocky shoulders, sharp facial features, and have a husky voice that can be enchanting. They have penetrating, hypnotic eyes, a short neck, thin but sensuous lips and thick, brown hair. They have a square forehead and jaw, with flat cheek bones. Their torsos are long, and arms shorter than it. Their general appearance is confident. By nature, they are quite secretive and prefer a serious, even sober, look which is in keeping with their strong, yet unostentatious, power.

Scorpio Habits: Scorpios can hold a grudge forever. This unfortunate habit can distance them from the love, happiness and trust they deserve from their near and dear ones. First they need to let go of their anger and resentments, then learn to love themselves, and only then will forgiveness enter their hearts. They can do all of it with the extraordinary will-power they have. Many of them, however, end up complaining that their partners are their greatest source of stress.

Scorpio Health: Scorpios not only generally enjoy good health, but their resistance is also good, so when they are faced with a health problem they are quick to recover. They are susceptible to accidents because of their tendency to take risks, and also to disorders of the sex organs, throat, intestines, lungs and the prostate gland. They need to take appropriate precautions in these areas. Psychosomatic disorders affecting the intestines may constitute another weak point which is all the more active because they refrain from expressing their emotions throughout life.

Scorpio Beautyscope: Red is the hot favourite colour for the mysterious, sensuous Scorpios. Eye-shadow, mascara and false eye-lashes enhance the beauty of their eyes. Pink or dark brown lipstick brings out their wild side. They are not afraid of experiments and can turn old clothes into the most fashionable of all. Bright colours, silhouettes and trimmings are something they love. Wearing sheer lingerie in various hues of black, maroon or red is their idea of looking like a fashion diva.