Cancer Woman Personality | Understanding the Cancer Rashi woman | Cancer Female, Cancer Girl Personality Traits | zodiac sign Cancer woman personality

          A cancer woman is no doubt a very resourceful and imaginative lady. But how about this female in your life - will she be creditable in your life, or will you repent seeing her as your life partner ? Relax! Get all you wanted to know about a cancer woman-her nature, behavior, traits, personality, and much more out here . Reading this article you'll know in who the actual Cancerian woman is .
          A Cancerian woman in your life means you'll been surrounded by an ocean of love. You are the happiest person with company of your Cancerian partner. A cancer female is always a lovable, humorous, loyal and caring person. She likes complements about her very much, but really dislikes criticism. Her emotions are spellbound. But harsh words deeply hurt her. She is soft and expects you to be polite with her.
          Her immense cheerful nature earns huge attentions of people. She enjoys admirable positions in society. But her diplomacy and the tricky traits are not appreciated by the near people. Personally she also does not like too much aggressiveness. If you do so she will maintain distance. A Cancerian girl is full of shyness too. She fears of facing negative response or she can't see rejections. Her secrets are always limited to her- she won't like to open those with anyone. She likes to live with her own doctrines.
          You can also notice some superiority complex in a Cancerian girl. A Cancerian woman often feels insecure and expects you to give her hopes or reassurance that you're always with her. If you do so you're the best partner for her. No matter if you're not an attractive or handsome guy. She only will observe how much you respect and appreciate her.
Her behavior is often childish. You will find her many times behaving like a kid. At this point of time she will expect from you to pamper.
          She is witty and tricky too. She will love and respect for those who respect and love her. But she is toxic and problematic for her enemies or for those whom she dislikes. She never leaves her enemy soon. She, in fact, takes revenge to her opponents to calm down her hostile emotions. She can be as soft as melted gold and as hard as iron. As person a Cancerian is a nice human being. You'll love to have presence of her in your life. She will fill your life with full of love and care. You'll have spellbound moments with her company.
          Mentally , a Cancerian woman is an intelligent and catchy person. In just a few attempt or approach she can learn the things easily. Or she takes a little hard work to prove her intelligence.
Career in intelligence bureau, inspection field, or in detective agency can good for her.
A cancer woman can have a pleasant, harmonious, balanced, and healthy married life when she gets into wedlock with an ideal partner. A Cancerian girl has a fine compatibility with the person with zodiac sign Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio or Pisces. But she very rapidly changes her mood. If you really want to continue your relationship with her you need to walk with her mood swings. Giving respect, appreciation and other social respect she really likes.
          However her basic qualities, attributes or traits will remain the same. She is loyal and will remain loyal always. A cancer woman is also very fond of varieties of cooking. She likes cooking and eating sea foods too.
          For her, ‘life is private' where nobody can easily interfere. A cancer woman, no doubt, is very resourceful and imaginative but her introvert nature brings numbers of impediments and challenges in her life. She dreams a lot but her shyness hides her dreams. It is her family and partner only who can understand her sentiments and encourage her to touch the zenith of success.