Pisces Zodiac – find about Pisces preferences and lifestyle

Food for Pisces: Ruled by the element of Water, the Fish need to eat foods that are good for their blood, liver and brain, which would include beef, liver, onions, whole grain cereals, prunes, lemons, oranges, apples, grapes, spinach, lamb. They have a tendency to over-indulge in food and drinks at parties, which they should curb. Moderation is the key. They also tend to suffer from bloating, so watching sodium intake is helpful. They need to cut down on the table salt and try substituting exotic spices for a change of pace.

Pisces Physical Structure: Most Pisces are people with an average height and built, sometimes on the plumper side. They have large, full eyes, often peering into the distance. It is the only sign of the Zodiac which can take on many different appearances. The eyes are often large, attractive, quite fixed or slow, and almost hypnotic. The whole physique gives an impression which is somehow misty, mysterious, benevolent and quiet. Their physical demeanour has a ring of mystery about it, which is very difficult to classify, but one thing it does radiate is benevolence. 

Pisces Habits: The Fish can be so disorganised, unsystematic and indisciplined that it can cause their minds to become all muddled up and even disoriented. They can also get hooked to alcohol, which can disrupt their family lives. The best solution for them is yoga and meditation, as it can lead to peace of mind, which is what the Pisces natives ultimately seek. This is a lucky sign, and many of them make money from inheritance or windfalls. But as they are forgetful, it is easy for them to misplace their cash. Family issues and unpaid bills are big sources of stress for them.

Pisces Health: The Fish have perhaps the frailest physical structure and body mechanism of the whole zodiac. The feet, and respiratory and circulation systems can cause problems. Besides, they are very sentimental people, and easily take to junk food – which can lead to weight gain – and substance abuse. They need to be extremely careful of getting addicted to alcohol, smoking and drugs. Even seasonal changes can adversely affect their health. Potential dangers are located in the feet, which may suffer from rheumatisms or circulatory problems. Sometimes, there is a propensity for anguish and neurosis owing to a total lack of connection with the real world.

Pisces Beautyscope: Beauty for the Fish is more of a mental than a physical thing, and they can be fickle, so though they may look good one day, they could look utterly boring the next day. Wearing a pearl is a must for them. While make-up should be bright, pastel-coloured dresses bring out the warmth in their personalities. The Fish don’t care a hoot for fashion. They prefer clothes that are comfortable, made of natural fabrics, nothing synthetic. However, their taste is sound, and they will come out dressed nattily, with a good colour combination.