Scorpio Nature | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology


Your sign is symbolised by the mighty and dangerous scorpion. Some astrologers consider yours to be an introverted feminine sign. However, your nature is too diverse, and as you grow older, your nature keeps evolving, touching higher and higher planes. It can be an interesting experience being around you Scorpios, but at the same time it can be dangerous too. Some astrologers classify your sign into three types: the poisonous ones, who are dangerous; the noble, high-spirited ones who can be very kind and compassionate; and the chamelions, blending into different hues as the situation demnds, but by and large harmless. At times judging their true intention can pose a big problem. Some think you are a rather passive sign, and quitely hold your grudge with untold patience until you get a chance to sting back. However, the analogy apart, you are very adverntrous and are more fascinated by what is hidden than what is obvious. You possess great strength, and are not afraid to confront big problems head-on.

Key Planet: Pluto
Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld. If this sounds scary to you, some explanation would be in order, for Pluto symbolises everything that is below our consciousness, or, what is in your sub-conscious. It is not about the Hell where you are punished. Rather, it is the Hell that William Blake describes as a place “so beautiful that it would torment an angel to insanity.” As your key planet, Pluto is intense and powerful, representing those things that you don’t or can’t understand. And it is from these hidden Plutonic impulses that magical transformations arise.

Eighth House: Transformation
Since the Second House is the House of Possessions, the Eighth House opposite it, is about what other people have. This can include sexual issues, for they usually involve another person. It is also about the ultimate transformation — death — but not necessarily your own. The Eighth House is all about the things you don’t know and cannot understand. It is a House of Hidden Power.

Scorpio Element: Water
You are a prominent member of the Water group. Astrological signs that fall under the Water sign are emotional in nature. Just like the varied depth of water, which can be shallow or deep as an ocean, your emotions too have a very wide range. It is always hard to predict how you would react to any given situation. Also, like the ocean, you may hold many secrets, which gives you that mysterious aura.

Scorpio Strength:
You are known to have a magnetic personality. You have the ability to turn people’s head with your charms. You are intelligent and entertaining speakers, and it is easy for you to arrest the attention of others. People enjoy your company. You are passionate and loyal, which makes you a great lover. As long as no one hurts your feelings, you will be very generous and helpful to them.

Scorpio Weakness:
Possibly your biggest weakness is that, despite having hidden reserves of courage, you often avoid the frontal attack; rather you would lay down elaborate and cunning schemes to achieve your goals. You can be manipulative, jealous, obsessive, distrustful and obstinate.