Gemini Romance | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Element : Air
Quality : Mutable; Masculine; Positive.
Ruling Planet : Mercury
Declaration : ‘I think’
Lessons to give in love : Awareness and intellectual stimulation. Versatility, readiness for experimentation and open-mindedness.
Lessons to learn in love : Appreciation for the intangible, warm and tender side of love. 

Personality : The toddler in Gemini understands, appreciates and values his autonomy and new-found independence. Communication is new and very enchanting and intoxicating, as it allows them to catch others’ attention. Most Geminis love to talk, and manage to leave others smitten in the process. Gemini wishes to break the barriers of familiarity. A strong urge to run at the first instance to explore the world follows. And, hence comes the duality. The toddler runs away, then stops and looks back at the security of his home, and is left torn between the world that beckons him, and the nest that is familiar and safe.

Love for Gemini is : conformity that does bring happiness and pleasure, yet can be a hindrance to complete freedom. In positive sense, love becomes an enjoyable bond for the Gemini. When negatively viewed, it may cause resentment, as the Gemini may come to view love as restrictive. The negative traits of Gemini – shallow behaviour, glib talking, deception, duality, unreliability – may become pronounced, if a Gemini continues to see love and relationships as binding, mere obligations that are barriers to his freedom and independence. 

When in Love : Gemini are versatile, entertaining, inquisitive and stimulating. Their candid, amicable personalities make them great companions. Spending hours simply chatting and interacting with their loved one is always on their agenda. Gemini, however, are prone to bouts of restlessness and recklessness. Impractical, impatient and inconsistent when under such spells, they may attempt to run away from love. As aforementioned, also prone to feelings of duality about love and relationships, they may love the pleasure, amusement and warmth the love brings him, and the next moment may resent it with full force.