Pisces Decans | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Born between February 19 and February 29
If a person is born between these days, the planetary rulers are Jupiter and Neptune. The person born under this sign would be obstinate and have fixed purpose. The person would be a visionary and hugely impractical. Fortune would smile in the middle and old age. A Decan of spirituality, tail-spins, sudden power and gains. Those born under this influence are romantic, selfless and intuitive. They have a powerful imagination and see beauty and poetry in everything. They can sense the mood and emotions of others as they are very intuitive. They are glad to help people and share their burdens. They also make wonderful friends and are good listeners. 

Born between March 1 and March 10 
If a person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Moon. The person born under this Decan would have tremendous will-power, but may also simultaneously be moody and withdrawn, at times. Also, a good home environment would be very important to them. Form, colour, shape and design are all important these people. However, these people may have a tendency to get sucked into the shadowy world of overindulgences, drugs or sex. Drugs, or rather any kind of intoxicants are best avoided, thus. Those born under this influence are sensitive, on the whole, and are said to possess strong psychic abilities. These people are selfless individuals, and can do anything for anyone. They are natural givers, and don’t like to take anything from anyone. They have a unique ability to feel and gauge others’ emotions, and that is why they have their hand on the pulse of the people. 

Born between March 11 and March 20 
If a person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Mars. This person would be the most powerful among all the Fish, way stronger than the ones born in the other Decans. This person sure knows how to push and promote himself. However, given their tremendous energy from Mars and their Piscean qualities, they may keep dreaming and hallucinating. They have so much of mental imagery, and yet they may not dynamical express it all, which may make them rather full, a tendency that makes them prone to mental anxiety and depression, especially when the reality doesn’t agree with their fantastical worlds. They admire knowledge and wisdom is viewed by them as their birthright. This Decan can have the energizer and the healer, the contestant and the patient, the yogi and the swindler, all in one.