Capricorn Romance | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Element : Earth.
Quality : Cardinal; Feminine; Negative.
Ruling Planet : Saturn.
The symbolic stage of life : Experiential maturity (mature coldness and wisdom that comes with the age and experiences) .
Lessons to give in love : Sincerity and ability to take on (and carry on) responsibilities and provide for material comforts. Also the fact that the love is, in other words, wisdom and stability.

Lessons to learn in love : Ability to loosen up; to give unconditionally and to be selfless in love.

Personality : The providers of the zodiac, Capricorn believe in getting peace from within. They view dependence as a flaw. The stern, sometimes even grim and cold, exteriors of the hard working Mountain Goats – the Capricorn – are, in fact, belying. Once you get to know them well, the picture is quite different. True, that the Capricorn are averse to risks, and would stick to the tried and tested, but they too have a fun, spontaneous streak. They just take more than usual amount of time to open up. Since security is so important to them, they pursue monetary goals with an unflinching dedication, but riches, fame and adulation, even if they bring them momentary pleasure, are never their real priorities. They do command, but rarely dominate, for aggressive power plays are not their thing. However, when a Goat slips into the negative mode, a rigid, snob takes over, often pessimistic and ambitious. Then, they come with conditions attached!

Love for Capricorn is : a mutually satisfying exchange that brings the needed security, peace and contentment. And, contrary to general perception, love is very important to them. Yes, it is about ties and responsibilities, but it is also about sensuality and loads of stability. Capricorn’s stern exterior and Saturnine ways may hide their gentle, tender side, but they do understand love. Allow them to open up, and you will get a glimpse of their unbridled passion and supreme self-confidence, which sure can be charming beyond words. Saturn infuses a great respect for age, culture, success and achievement in a them, so the Goat get drawn to the rich and the successful. However, the rich in their domain are not the ones born with a silver spoon! The Goats’ family too holds a lot of importance in their life. That is why, when they love, they envisage the person as their family – it’s rarely about one-nights stands or superficial flirtations in this old soul’s domain.

When in love : the Capricorn are dependable and caring. Not the ones to believe in excess of emotion and display, they are controlled, measured, even cautious in their approach to love. Quiet and undemanding, they do try to view the other’s perspective, though they may be alleged as selfish and callous. However, they themselves may not be very candid (maybe not comfortable) when it comes to revealing or discussing their inner desires and longings. Deep down, the Goat possesses a bubbling passion, waiting to explode in the company of an ideal mate. On surface, most Goats, the stern traditionalists, display great reverence for status quo. Let a Goat open up, and you may have a very interesting partner beside you, who does have a sense of humour (even if tinged with sarcasm and irony). Their insistence on perfection, quality and high standards at all times, though, may irritate their partners