Libra Nature | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

An acute sense of balance and vast reserves of energy mark out a Libra. Since you belong to this seventh sign of the Zodiac, aptly called the Scales, your consciousness is also pervaded by ideas about how to balance everything around you, whether it is at home or at your work-place. What you seek is to maintain harmony between opposing parties. You are also very level-headed and therefore are much sought after for practical solutions. And, because you are so energetic, you are also very agile, but since you exert yourself so much, you tend to run out of steam easily. You are prone to bouts of moodiness. Sometimes you come across as being very positive, helpful, joyful and friendly; however, at other times there will be an unmistakable dark aura surrounding your head, and at such times you can be utterly negative and extremely insensitive to the pains of others. Although you are endowed with enough potential to make the best for yourself where you are situated, you often tend to lose focus by exploring around for other opportunities. In a nutshell, you are an intelligent and fun person to be around with. Naturally, you make great hosts and hostesses.

Libra Key Planet: Venus
Venus, your key planet, is all about love and desire. However, as often misunderstood, it is not invariably all about romance, beauty and physical love or lust. It is also symbolic of the ideal love. When your see a beautiful painting or any other work or art and appreciate it, you can be sure it is the influence being exerted by Venus. Fundamentally, though, it is about the perception of beauty as an ideal.

Seventh House: Partners
The Seventh House symbolises the partner. However, it is not necessarily your spouse that is indicated by it. This partner can be a business partner, a spouse or any other type of relationship that you may be involved in. In most cases, it is indicative of how well or how badly you interact with the people around you in every walk of life.

Libra Element: Air
Air is known for being unpredictable and quick at changing its direction. Similarly, as Air is your Element, you are also unpredictable in your actions. you can be highly active one moment and become completely inactive the next moment. You are not just great thinkers, you are very good with languages, often being multi-lingual, and a fun person to be with. You are great at analysing situations and coming up with solutions.

Libra Strength:
You are wise and honest. You have the ability to maintain balance in challenging situations, and are therefore found in making peace between parties. Being diplomatic, graceful, charming, peace loving and idealistic are your other strengths.

Libra Weakness:
One of your biggest weakness is that you can take up fights with people just to prove your point. Also you sometimes tend to retreat rather than confront a situation with courage. Being shallow, fatalistic, irresolute and unreliable are some of your other negative points.