Detailed Pisces Horoscope | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

General description: The Sun transits from Pisces during the period between February 19 to March 20. It is often observed that people born during this period are selfless, spiritual, kind, compassionate and sympathetic. Besides, they are very sensitive, creative, intuitive and have what it takes to reach their goals. But they tend to become overemotional, which usually is a major hindrance in their paths. Also, they often fail to distinguish fact from fantasy mainly because they are more often than caught up in their perfect, idealistic worlds. 

Element - Water.
Quality – Mutable (= flexibility).
Characteristics: Watery, mutable, intuitive, feminine, emotional.

Ruling planet: Neptune.
Detriment: Mercury.
Exaltation: Venus, Neptune’s octave.
Fall: Mercury.
Symbol: a pair of Fish, swimming in opposite directions.
The Symbol denotes: Emotional nature, mood swings, and lack of clarity of mind.

Birthstone - Aquamarine, Emerald, Coral
Birth Colours - Aqua, Blue-green
Other lucky colours - Earth tones, Yellow, Yellow-orange, Red, Scarlet
Lucky Day - Thursday
Associated Flowers and Plants - Seaweed, Moss, Other aquatic plants
Quality most needed for balance - Structure, Ability to handle form, Practicality
Deepest needs – Spiritual illumination, Liberation
Compatible Signs – Cancer, Scorpio
Best Sign/s for marriage and/or partnerships - Virgo
Anatomically Pisces corresponds to: Feet and toes; the lymphatic system, all the extremities in general, the duodenum, and the cecum; bones in the feet and toes; muscles governing the movement of the feet and toes; arteries in the feet and the extremities; veins in the feet and the extremities.

Noteworthy qualities: Inspirational, hospitable, peace-loving, intuitive, methodical, compassionate, sympathetic, kind, creative, imaginative, sensitive.

Undesirable personality traits: Pessimistic, lethargic, careless, indecisive, submissive, self-depreciation, timid, over-sensitive, self-pity, moody, negative.