Pisces Traits | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

These are generous and emotional souls. Quite popular in their social circles for being a genuine friend to everyone, a Pisces-born values human relations the most and puts the people he loves above everything else. However, there also exists a darker side to their personalities. Now, let’s have a look at some of their positive and negative traits.

Positive traits:

Highly creative and imaginative, the Pisces can think abstract and come up with extremely innovative ideas. Their imagination power has the capacity to take them to great heights. 

The Pisces-born are very kind people who will treat others just the way they want themselves to be treated.

The people in need will always find a helpful person in the Pisces-born. Compassionate that they are, the Pisces always empathise with people and try to help them out.

They are extremely intuitive. More than logical reasoning, facts and figures, the Pisces rely on their sixth-sense while taking a decision.

Caring and gentle, the Pisces-born are sensitive souls. If something is wrong, it affects them deeply, and they develop extreme feelings regarding the matter.

A Pisces will go out of his way to help others. However, their selfless deeds may not always be acknowledged or appreciated.

Negative traits:

The Pisces tend to be escapists. When things go wrong, they will blame it on their bad luck or something else and just avoid to deal with it. 

They are very particular about how things should be. Idealistic that they are, even the best is mediocre for them at times.

The Pisces-born get hurt and demoralised very easily. Even when all the talent and resources to realise their dreams, their low self-confidence becomes a hurdle in their path.

The Pisces tend to make a mountain of a molehill. These people unnecessarily take everything to heart and feel extreme emotions.

If things don’t turn out as per their expectations, the Pisces will lose the motivation to carry on. They usually the glass half empty.

The Pisces can be very lazy in the matters they don’t much care about. Their enthusiasm and energy levels last for a brief period of time.