Virgo Relationship | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

As a Lover
The Virgo makes an excellent lover, says Ganesha. They are sensuous, methodical and have a great deal of patience, which means they can wait a long time for their soul-mate to figure out they have a good thing going. However, it’s important for them to feel needed by their mates. Even though the Virgo won’t express many words of love, they will be quite demonstrative in the bedroom. They prefer to have a few strong connections rather than many partners. They are loyal to their partners and love to live on the wild side once in a while.

As a Father
The Virgo as a father is perceived to be quiet tough, says Ganesha. He will give a lot of love and affection to his children but would keep reminding them that he is their father. He will not let any communication gap develop between him and his children as he will express everything to them open-heartedly. He will give his children exactly the amount of freedom they require and will be very concerned about keeping them on the right track. 

As a Mother
A Virgo mother is perceived to be very loving and caring at the core but would appear quiet hard at times as she demands a lot of from her children. She will keep them running errands. Mostly she is over-protective about her children, but will not keep them confined to the four walls of the home. She will give them the space they need but will demand to know their whereabouts at all times. She can, if she so wishes, become a good friend to her children. 

As Children
The Virgo children are likely to be truly obedient and sincere to their parents, says Ganesha. They obey their parents in word and deed. Sometimes they may disagree, and will openly express their disagreement, but they will never defy their parents. The reason is that they really love their parents and are very attached to them, so they would never do anything to hurt them. Sometimes the children may feel lesser than their peers and sink into depression.

As a Boss
The Virgo boss is endowed with great eloquence and can express profound things very simply, says Ganesha. He makes it easy for his employees to understand the complexities – or the subtle nuances – of their job. This goes a long way in making the employees perform to their potential, thus saving the company precious resources. However, they don’t give too much freedom and also are very demanding.

As a friend
The Virgos can become very attached to their good friends, says Ganesha, and thereby very demanding too. However, once they become intimate with a friend they will go to great lengths to keep them happy. They will always be around when their friends need them and would advise them in their best interests in times of difficulties. They are true givers in relations and it feels good to have them around. You need to remember that though Sun Signs do give a fair idea of one’s life and personality, a lot depends on the individuality of a person.