Hand Characteristics Personality| What Job is Right For You Based On Your Hand | Characteristics by Hand Size | Read Hand Shape | Personality based on Hand Types

What Job is Right For You Based On Your Hand | Personality based on Hand Types

1.AC type Big and thick:
Considerate and caring towards others, be able to put
themselves in other peopIe’s shoes, do things carefully,
have a strong endurance and good with people.

2.AD type Big and skinny:
Sensible, like to comply with social order, diligent,
Best suited for a job in an organization, company or

3.BC type Small and thick:
Extroverted, energetic, bold and creative.
Bat suited for PR or plan execution job;
example: business planning, hast, event organizer, etc.

4.BD type Small and skinny:
Individualist, prefer to do things at own pace, make
own decision, dislike to work in a group, a bit of a loner.
Best suited for a job that requires one’s originality;
example: photographer, writers, etc.