Gemini Decans | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Born between May 22 and May 31
If the person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Mercury. Their nature would be sociable, dependable and friends can benefit from their ideas. They can make a career in creative fields like graphic arts. Practical to the tee, they are humanitarians at heart and also like working for social causes. Their mental brilliance too is exceptional. Those born under this influence are also quick-witted and have a superb ability to communicate effectively. Besides, they can be exceptionally intelligent and articulate. However, they usually tend to go through a conflict between their mind and heart, often not knowing whose voice to listen to. These people also tend to be very popular in their social circles, and they have a large number of friends. Perfectionists as they are, they may, however, be over critical of themselves. 
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Born between June 1 and June 10 If the person is born between the aforementioned days, his/ her planetary ruler is Venus. This person would be objective about most things, and will try to reach to the root of the matters before judging. This person would like to make other people happy, and shall even enjoy it. However, this person must see to it that these aspects don’t start ruling his/ her life. On the whole, those born under this influence are charming, charismatic and creative. They have highly developed communication skills, and usually get to any goal they set their sights, due to their astute minds. They have an ability to attract many people to them, and thus they thrive in social situations. Plus, they are equally good in one to one situations, and make perfect hosts for parties. On the downside though, these people usually have scattered thoughts.

Born between June 11 and June 21
If a person is born between these days, the planetary rulers are both Saturn and Uranus. This person will have a certain type of toughness, something that helps him/ her stand against all onslaughts. They would be tempered like steel. These people are quite creative, and are innovative and original in their approach. Flexible and optimistic, they possess an unconventional outlook and make brilliant thinkers. Most people under this Decan also possess the characteristics of a natural leader. People are attracted to their natural charm. Yet, they, on their own, love their freedom, viewing each day as a new adventure. Probably that is why they can never be tied down to one place or situation, and their minds are constantly open to new ideas and interests. However, many of them become easily distracted, as they have their attention diluted towards a lot of pursuits.