Detailed Libra Horoscope | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

General description: The Sun transits from Libra from September 23 to October 23. The Libra-born love to be surrounded by people and communicate with them. Tactful and diplomatic, the Libra always try to know others better, to make a fair argument and to maintain peace and harmony. These balanced and charming individuals are quite easygoing and calm. Indecisiveness is their major drawback because of which cause delays and miss out on lucrative opportunities. They are also often accused of being lazy.

Element - Air
Quality - Cardinal (= activity)
Characteristics: Airy, cardinal, masculine, positive, humane
Ruling planet: Venus
Detriment: Mars
Exaltation: Saturn
Fall: Sunday
Symbol: the Scales
The Symbol denotes: Harmony, justice and a balanced disposition

Birthstone - Jade, sapphire, turquoise, quartz and white marble
Birth Colours -
Blue, jade green
Other lucky colours – Pink, shades of blue, and pale and light green
Lucky Day - Friday
Associated Flowers and Plants - Hydrangeas, large roses, lilies, violets, all blue flowers
Quality most needed for balance – A sense of self, self-reliance, independence
Deepest need - Love, romance, social harmony
Compatible Signs - Gemini, Aquarius
Best sign/s for marriage and/or partnerships – Aries

Anatomically Libra corresponds to: the lumber region in general and the kidneys in particular; loins, ovaries and the substance of the kidneys; lumber vertebrae, just below the ribs; lower back muscles’ muscles at the top of pelvic bone; arteries going to the kidney and lower back; veins coming from the kidneys and lower back.

Noteworthy qualities: Thoughtful, impartial, unprejudiced, just, graceful, modest, adaptable, persuasive, affectionate, cheerful, sympathetic, generous, tactful, balanced.

Undesirable personality traits: Indecisive, extremist, reckless, hasty, susceptible, aloof, impressionable, punctilious.