Scorpio Career | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

The Scorpio natives don’t need a pep talk to bring themselves in their element, as they are quite self-motivated and know what they want, be it regarding their career or any other matter. Tenacious, intense and intensely career-driven, these confident people accept defeat only when the odds are overwhelming and failure is inevitable. And when they are cornered or betrayed and left with no choice but to back down, the Scorpio get hurt the most. Not ones to forgive and forget easily, these revengeful beings make it a point to get back at those who make the mistake of messing up with them!

Those born under the Sign of Scorpio have a natural affinity with all things mysterious and hidden. It is in their very nature to keep they eyes and ears open all the time and look out for preying eyes. Having a Scorpio in the team means that there is at least one person who will ensure to safeguard the team’s interests. Not only that, they will bring their ability to make excellent strategies to the table, and thus, will make significant contribution to the performance of the entire team.

They value their time, and hence, they would rarely get involved in gossips and lunch-time chitchats. And, if there are a part of the conversations, rest assured that they are there only because they think that they may find some useful information. When at work, the Scorpios are totally focused on the job on hand. 

Courageous and passionate, the Scorpios are admired for their discipline and ability to wield power. They spend a lot of time interacting with colleagues and subordinates and talk about how they, as a team, can improve and ensure better profits. And it doesn’t end there! The dedicated Scorpio don’t mind taking their work home. You may often see them working late nights, finishing their tasks.

Not ones to take things on their face value, people born under the Zodiac Sign Scorpio can be natural detectives. Work in the fields of medical research, psychology and journalism, especially investigative journalism, satisfies their deep desire to ‘find’ answers. People trust them with their inner most secrets and most valuable possessions, and therefore, there is a great scope for them to make a good career fields in which they will have to manage others’ business.

Mining operations, oil drilling and archaeology are also associated with this Sign. The Scorpio may perform exceptionally well as doctors, ecologists, engineers, navigators, market analysts, pathologists, soldier etc.