Libra Traits | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Kind, gentle and lovers of beauty, harmony and peace, the Libra-born are attractive people. However, in their bid to please everyone, they can rarely say no to anyone, and as a result, end up stretching themselves. With all their positive traits come some negative ones, too. Let’s have a look at them to get an idea about the personalities of the Libra.

Positive traits

The Libra-born know how to get things done, however, they cannot be called manipulative. They are too nice to take undue advantage of people’s emotions.

Ruled by Venus, the people born under the Zodiac Sign Libra are romantic to the core. Everything in their lives revolves around the magic word – Love.

The way they talk and the matters they talk about make people comfortable in their company. And their captivating smile is like a cherry on the cake!

The have a strong sense of justice and fair play. They may tactfully find their way out, but they will never resort to dubious means to get what want.

The Libra-born are famous for their diplomatic skills and ability to listen to opposing viewpoints without losing patience.

Striking balance comes naturally to the Scales as they are graphically represented in the Zodiac calendar. They rarely go to extremes, be it regarding any matter.

Negative traits

External beauty means a lot to them. So much so that the Libra-born tend to become superficial, ignoring the potential flaws underneath the beautiful exterior.

People born under the Zodiac Sign Libra are empathetic but they can also be detached and pretentious as they don’t wish to displease anyone.

A Libra gets easily influenced by others’ opinions and may change his/ her mind before one may realise it. You may never know if they will keep their word.


They are energetic but can be surprisingly laid-back as well. And it is not so much physical laziness as it is a desire to avoid tension and emotional challenges.

Choosing one option out of two or more choices is probably the toughest task for the Libra. Their indecisiveness often becomes a hurdle in their path.

Since they focus on being surrounded with all things beautiful, the Libra-born tend to self-indulgent and extravagant.