Sagittarius Traits | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Energetic and enthusiastic, the Sagittarius see the glass half full. Their optimism helps them carry on even in the most adverse situations.

The Sagittarius will call a spade a spade, so you know when say something they mean it. There honest comments, however, may be at times too harsh to handle for some people.

These are bright and intellectual people, who are interested in a wide variety of subjects and can be impressive conversationalists.

There are philosophical and religious individuals with a strong sense of mortality and ethics. They love to share their views on matters, such as the higher power and religious beliefs.

The people born under the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius are large-hearted people. They love to help others reach their goals, find a way out of problems and lead a good life.

Adventurous that they are, the Sagittarius are always willing to take risks and keep the excitement levels in their lives alive.

Negative traits:

The Sagittarius tend to take things for granted, risking more than they should. Their careless attitude attracts criticism from all corners.

Being honest and straightforward is one thing, being tactless is another. A lesson or two on how to handle things skilfully will definitely help these individuals.

The people born under to Zodiac Sign Sagittarius tend to impatient and restless, especially when their energy is not focussed or well-directed.

External appearance mean a lot to them. Besides, they don’t have patience and inclination to scratch beneath the surface and see the actual substance.

Their interest levels change quite frequently and that eventually affects their efficiency. It is difficult to ensure that a Sagittarius is going to be consistent in his performance.

The Sagittarius believe that they know everything and what they are doing is right, but quite often, they end up making a lot of mistakes, owing to their overconfidence.