Scorpio Traits | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Mysterious and strong willed, the Scorpio-born easily grab the limelight as they have what it takes to accomplish their goals. Besides, they possess a magnetic charm that not many can ignore. What are their other positive as well as negative traits? Let’s have a look at them.

Positive traits

If a Scorpio-born has decided on something, it will take a lot to dampen his spirits or deviate him from his path. Their determination is their major strength.

No matter how difficult the situation may be, the Scorpio will take it head on. They will never lose their sleep over turbulent times and failures.

They are jovial and passionate, but not immature and careless. Ones to come across as mature and poised, the Scorpio are pleasant personalities to be with.

You can trust a Scorpio, for he will always stand by you if he has promised he would. Having a loyal Scorpio around is always an advantage.

The Scorpio are an ambitious lot. They will aim for the stars and will make sure that they get there. Power, money and position are their energy boosters.

The people born under the Zodiac Sign Scorpio are so intuitive that it would not be too much to call them mind readers. Their instincts help them take the right decisions at the right time.

Negative traits

The Scorpio tend to be possessive and jealous. And the jealousy more often than not disturbs their relationships and affects their peace of mind.

They find it very difficult to trust people and are therefore secretive. The Scorpio will not let people easily know what’s going on in his mind or life.

The Scorpio are sensitive and get easily hurt by negative treatment and comments. And they will get even with those who dared to insult or harm them.

They have a knack of getting things done their way but, in the process, they become too controlling and domineering. Ruthless.