Pisces Career | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Imaginative and extremely sensitive, those born under Zodiac Sign Pisces would want to make a career where they would be able live their dream. And, this is not about living in a fantasy world. These intuitive souls have a perfect vision of how their lives could be, and it is their dream to make it a reality.

Motivated by their passion for creative self-expression, the Pisces would, at least initially, prefer job-satisfaction over monetary gains. Their first approach usually is to seek work that will bring them a sense of fulfilment. The emotional Pisces are always trying to find some balance between their financial goals and their desire to accomplish their dreams. 

Once they choose their career, the Pisces can be dedicated enough to specialise and reach great heights. Ready to lend a helping hand, they are rarely pretentious about their work. This quality earns them a reputation of an inspirational team member. Their contributions to a work-team are often creative, unusual and essential. Since Fish are able to think out-of-the-box, they can come up with extraordinary solutions, if they decide to try, that is. 

However, most Fish tend to be over-sensitive, which can be a major hurdle in their career path. Although they are sensible, they are also not quite practical. They take a lot of time to get over setbacks. Rather than learning from their failures, they sulk and keep revisiting their unsuccessful attempts in their minds, losing precious time and energy. The Pisces people need to learn a lesson or two in how they should develop a more pragmatic approach towards life.

Whatever the Pisces do, they should ensure to occupy themselves with work that makes them proud and enables them to showcase their myriad talents. These noble individuals make the world a better place, and that is probably one of the major reasons why the Pisces are inclined towards charitable work and philanthropic activities. Pisces could also work in the entertainment field as actors, dancers, comedians or musicians. Writing and poetry are make for good career options. 

These Water Sign people are naturally drawn to occupations dealing with water, fluids, alcohol, drugs, chemicals, oils, and the ocean. Also, they possess an art to sense what the public desires, and hence can do well in fashion, advertising, film-making, and other pursuits that require them to deal with what the public wants.