Sagittarius Decans | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Born between November 23 and December 2
If a person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Jupiter. The person born under this Decan is honest and frank. Their sense of humour would be broad and open. The person would be open and compassionate. Those born under this influence are adventurous, positive and direct. They are the boldest of all the Sagittarius Decans and of all the signs in the zodiac. They are also eternal optimists. They bring cheer and enthusiasm to everyone. They are direct and on the face in their dealings with people and some may interpret it as being blunt. This may put them in trouble sometimes but they can handle everything with tact. Their honesty is appreciated by one and all.

Born between December 3 and December 12
If a person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Mars. Mars gives them energy and a tremendous zest for life and love. The person would be impulsive and even rash. They would take up more responsibilities. Those born under this influence are assertive, restless and open. They are very sure of what they want in life, and will act aggressively to get it. However, they get bored easily, and that makes them explore varied interests and activities. This, however, makes them jack of all trades and master of none! These people love challenges, and are spontaneous by nature. They are open in their dealings with people, and sometimes too rash, though.

Born between December 13 and December 21 
If a person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Sun. The person born in this Decan would be intuitive, impressive, accurate and loyal. In their dealings, they are careful and cautious, and thus make good negotiators. Such persons achieve their ambitions boldly and dramatically. This Decan also signifies achievement and publicity. Those born under this influence are charismatic and love to take risks. They are warm and friendly people, and thus are very popular and have many friends. On their own too, they love to be in the limelight and are constantly seeking ways to get others’ attention. In short, they love showmanship, thus flourish as actors, entertainers or even lawyers. However, on the flip side, these people lack the others’ perspective, and it’s rather difficult for them to gauge others’ reactions – so caught up they are in their own selves.