Capricorn Zodiac – find about Capricorn preferences and lifestyle

Food for Capricorn : The Goats have healthy eating habits. They are punctual with their meals, don’t like to be distracted while eating, and they love nutritious foodstuffs such as figs, spinach, milk, citrus fruits, eggs, cereals, whole wheat breads, almonds, brown rice and fish. They can get into a dietary rut, though, eating the same foods day after day. They should experiment with different foods and recipes. This sign rules bones and teeth, so they should make sure to include some calcium rich foods like dairy, sardines and dark leafy greens.

Capricorn Physical Structure: The Goats possess a shapely, beautiful body with smooth skin texture. They have a prominent, bony eyebrow, thin upper lips and a chiselled chin. Their height is small to average. They have deep-set serious eyes that can sometimes seem cold. They speak slowly and weigh each word carefully before saying them. They have a distinct look of a philosopher or a scientist about them. Their general appearance is marked by neutrality, sobriety, and ordinariness. Their concern is practicality and not aesthetics, to which they give no importance.

Capricorn Habits: The Goats are workaholics, and may sacrifice a lot of personal pleasures, and even the happiness of their families, for the sake of work. This habit is rooted in their fear of poverty and dependence on others. In fact, many of them spend most of their waking hours working so that they don’t get the time to spend, and thereby can save more. They need to be more aware of their non-material blessings. They also don’t pay too much attention to their diet, which can impact their health adversely.

Capricorn Health: The Goats’ resistance to major and minor ailments is excellent, so they are likely to be safe and sound in their old age. Actually, the more they age, the healthier they seem to be. They belong to the category which produces the most wonderful elderly people. Their body, though, can be frail, especially the knees and the bone structure. The danger they face is from colds, arthritis, kidney stones, digestive problems, and even disorders of the skin like shingles. They also need to keep their distance from alcohol and rich food.

Capricorn Beautyscope: The Goats have a shapely bone structure which gives them their head-turning figures. It is enhanced by denims and body-hugging outfits. Anti-wrinkle creams are a must for the neck, as is pedicure for the large feet. Glossy brown lipstick and nail-polish look great on these attention-seekers. They are a little finicky, but they always come out looking elegant. They prefer to be traditional in their dressing style. Jewels are not something they are fond of, unless they are family jewels.