Aquarius Zodiac – find about Aquarius preferences and lifestyle | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Food for Aquarius : The Water Bearers should eat foods that are good for their circulatory system and keep their blood sugar level in check. Lobster, lettuce, tuna, clams, walnuts, ocean fish, pears, lemons, oranges, apples, oysters, radishes, corn, peaches and grapefruit are suitable for them. They need to avoid carbonated drinks and sugary foods. This sign can develop poor eating habits like constant junk food snacking. They should ensure there are plenty of healthy snacks around like nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies. They are also sensitive to caffeine, so they should consider switching from coffee to herbal tea.

Aquarius Physical Structure: Most Aquarius people are slim or slender and tall though the neck can be short and thick compared to the rest of their body. They have an attractive chiselled nose and dark, thick hair. Their twinkling eyes give them an appearance of vivacity, but their facial expressions can be serious. Their smile is subtle and cheeks dimpled. The voice is clear and articulate. They can sometimes appear to be a bit eccentric, that is when they don’t look serious. However, no matter how they look from outside, you can be sure they would be enjoying themselves from inside.

Aquarius Habits: Besides being independent to a fault, the Water Bearers can also go way out of their way to help others. While they may do all they can to help others, they refuse to take any help themselves, for the fear that they may become dependent on others. They need to realise that they are human after all, and may have to depend on others in some situations. They have the ability to earn a lot, but don’t consider it as the most important thing in life. One big cause of stress for them is traffic jams.

Aquarius Health: The Water Bearers tend to have weak bones, so falls or minor accidents can cause them to break. Besides, their nervous system, heart, backbone, throat and bladder can also cause health concerns. But they are slim and their digestive system can adjust to different cuisines quite easily. They tend to think and worry too much, which can lead to neurological disorders. As a result, they may develop brain tumour, epilepsy, or just experience unexplained periods of anguish. Still, they have every chance to live to a ripe old age in good health.

Aquarius Beautyscope: The Water Carriers favour the fluorescent green colour, because it brings them both luck and charm. Their natural beauty obviates the need for any make-up. Once in a while they like to change their hairstyle. Though they can carry off almost any kind of dress with élan, the retro look suits them best. They love to dress in a simple way. They will go for comfort over fashion, anyday. They are very pragmatic when it comes to dressing style.