Virgo Romance | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Element : Earth
Quality : Mutable; Feminine; Negative.
Ruling Planet : Mercury.
Lessons to give in love : Purity and meticulousness. That love is sacred, virginal and pure, and ought to be treated with respect.
Lessons to learn in love : Passion and warmth. Ability to appreciate the fact that love is much more than plastic purity or pure analysis.

Personality : Virgos are conscientious, dutiful perfectionists – meticulous, prim and proper with a competitive, survival instinct so strong and marked that it dominates their life and choices. Capable of dissecting, de-constructing and analysing almost everything, Virgos believe in submitting to the norm for the benefit of duty and practicality. They do begrudge the restrictions, yet are courteous and refined enough to smile and carry on. They understand that it’s important to serve, to work and to take on responsibilities with a serious approach in order to sustain, compete and survive. Even though excellence matters to them, idealism doesn’t! Their drive for excellence and learning ought to translate to real rewards, and ideals and dreams rarely hold any significance to them. Probably that makes them critical of everything and everyone; they may openly resent the more frivolous, careless, even jovial (and, thus lesser) beings. It’s then that the worrier in Virgo takes over! 

Love for the Virgo is : a mystery to which they are happy and content to surrender. Virgo is on the edge of awareness, yet is not willing to know further, for it believes in what it sees (and what is not visible may not exist after all). They do like to indulge in simple pleasures of life, and love is one of them. They are completely devoted to their relationships, but their love too has a practical side to it; their loved one may often see them drifting towards a more utilitarian cause. Besides, their constantly working minds may not allow them to let their hair down. Often their greatest love is their work, home and place where they can create a perfect atmosphere. Perfection inspires them, and their partners would do well to imbibe the Virgin determination and clarity of thought. On the other hand, a good partner should try to loosen the tightly coiled strings of seriousness and watchfulness from the Virgin mind. 

When in Love : Virgo is devoted, gentle, dutiful and loyal. Most Virgos love to take care of their loved ones, creating the perfect havens for them. They hate being dependent on their partners, and may opt to work at all stages of life and relationship. Being one of the most health conscious zodiac sign, Virgo infuses its natives with a dogged determination to remain fit, active and healthy. Most Virgos want similar partners, or they may drive their mates mad over the same thing. Realists to the core, controlled by mind and guided by practicality, they don’t like wasting time in ideal pursuits. However, most Virgos possess pure, innocent hearts, and are guileless in love. However, their vigilant, fretting self doesn’t miss anything; they may become overly critical of their partner’s flaws. Jealousy and competitiveness too may mar their relationships.