Cancer Zodiac – find about Cancer preferences and lifestyle | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Food for Cancer: Being prone to gastric and other digestive disorders, the Crabs need to eat foods which contain lots of water and fibre. Fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers, pumpkins, cabbage, turnip, lettuce, mushrooms are good for them. They need to drink lots of water, but keep their distance from alcoholic drinks. They should avoid eating in front of the TV, or when upset, and play soft background music at mealtimes to aid digestion. They should also be particular about the time and place where they eat.

Cancer Physical Structure: The Crabs have rounded features and tend to become stout as they approach their middle age. Though the hair is dark, it will be observed that it is not always very thick; quite the contrary, it can be rather sparse. The nose is smallish, forehead high, deep full eyes (which makes their look very profound and penetrative), round chin, and they have a fair complexion. Their height is small to average. Expressions are soft, dreamy, sometimes suggesting naivety. Their appearance is subtle, reassuring and protective.

Cancer Habits: One weakness of the Crabs is getting into a rut, and it’s very hard for them to get out of it. Another is their sweet tooth. They tend to over-indulge in sweets, ice-cream and desserts, which can have an adverse effect on their waist-lines, besides the danger of contracting diabetes. Chewing on sugar-free gum or dried fruit can be a safe way out. As for money habits, they can be obsessive about saving for the rainy day. They make it a point to budget their expenses in a manner that provides for maximum savings.

Cancer Health: The Crabs usually enjoy good health, but because they are not very active, there is the danger of gaining too much weight, especially if they are involved in a sedentary job. It would do them a world of good if they took up a sport like badminton or make it a practice to go for long walks. Crabs are also very sensitive and prone to mood swings, which over time can cause anxiety. It is not very difficult for someone to upset them. They need to learn to remain undaunted under all circumstances. A little effort in this direction would save them a lot of medical hassles later on. 

Cancer Beautyscope: The Crabs need to exercise to stay in shape. Silver is their base colour. A natural brown lipstick adds glow to their healthy skin tone. Rose coloured nail-polish and a pearl necklace could bring out the emotional side of their personality. They carry off clothes with a vintage flavour better than most. They mostly do ‘mood dressing’. Blue or grey when sad, red when upbeat, orange when hopeful. They will always be found neatly dressed, if not in the most expensive of clothes. Good and `different` clothes are their trademark.