Cancer Career | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Ones to give honest opinions and great advice, Cancer are very protective of their personal space, loved ones, security and undertakings. They work steadily and ensure that the work is being done as the way it is supposed to be done. These shrewd and cautious beings advance towards their goals step-by-step and on nearing it they speed up like anything and reach their destination. These peculiarities make them cut out for entrepreneurship and top-level management jobs, as they make it a point to stay focused in order to accomplish the targets set. 
Responsible and dedicated lot that they are, Cancer do their homework and come well-prepared for meetings and conferences, needless to say, dot on time. Shy and introvert, Cancer don’t crave for attention and limelight. In fact, they may be the ones happily standing in the background, with a bunch of files in their hands, providing all the relevant and reliable data to the rest of the team members. And rest assured, this would be a fulfilling experience for them! 

Just like the waning and waxing of Moon, the ruling planet of this Zodiac Sign, the Cancer people go through plenty of mood swings and that too quite frequently. And during these periods, their productivity, efficiency and enthusiasm take a nosedive, and at times their moods can be so strong that everyone around them gets affected. If not tackled well in time, the frequency and intensity of their mood swings may mar their image at their work-place, and others may prefer to keep a distance from them. In order to exploit their potential to the optimum level, Cancer should make concrete efforts to curb on their tendency to going to into their shell every now and then.

Blessed with strong intuitive powers and imagination, Cancer have a natural flair for learning a variety of subjects, which makes them excellent artists, writers, composers, actors, and psychics. Besides, these sensitive types love to nurture and take care of things, and hence they may go places if they make a career in the fields of human resource, law, nursing, teaching and childcare. Whatever field they choose to be in, one thing is for sure that they will not be there to feed their ego. They work because they like to be financially secure and make their life as comfortable as they possibly can without pushing their luck too far.