Aquarius Traits | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

The Aquarius-born are strong and attractive individuals, who can think abstract and at the same time be practical as well. Their willingness and capacity to accept people as who they are make them sought-after company. But there are flaws in the ones born under the Zodiac Sign Aquarius. Now, let’s have a look at the plus and minus sides of their personalities.

Positive traits:

Always up for excitement, the Aquarius-born love to make people laugh as it makes them feel good about themselves.

Humanitarian activities appeal to their hearts. The Aquarius-born would love to whatever they could to make the world a better place to live in.

These are intelligent people who will always look for intellectual stimulation. The people born under the Zodiac Sign Aquarius are interested in a variety of subjects.

The routine bores them, and therefore, the Aquarius will more often than not come up with inventive ideas to do with things.

The Aquarius prefer to be financially and emotionally independent, and any attempts to tie them down will make them run away in the opposite direction.

If an Aquarius gives his word, he will stick to it. Their loyalty plays a major role in them earning a place in people’s hearts.

Negative traits:

You may even call them eccentric. What an Aquarius would do next is not at easy to predict, for they don’t have a fixed behavioural pattern.

They are fairly inconsistent as their performance highly depends how they might be feeling at that particular moment.

Ones to live by ‘live and let live’ policy, the Aquarius get close beyond a certain point. For them, getting attached to something or someone is like losing their valuable independence.

They will give a patient ear to others, but at the same time, it not easy to convince an Aquarius to change his points of view.

The people born under the Zodiac Sign Aquarius tend to build a wall around themselves and stay aloof. As a result, they sometimes lose out on lucrative opportunities.

The Aquarius-born are interested in the opposite ends of the spectrum, and hence, can be called extremists.