Virgo Career | Rashi Characteristics, Personality, Description, Nature, Traits | Indian Astrology

Methodical, sincere and hard-working, Virgo achieve success on the career front quite easily, because work is not something they do to just pass the time. For them, their work is an extension of their personality. They seek perfection and won’t stop until they achieve it. And for more than anybody else, it is for their own sense of job satisfaction that they leave no stone unturned to reach perfection. However, they may seem bossy and controlling at work at times, but it is not about striving to be at the top. Rather, it is about reaching the Virgo standards.

Besides, they are gifted with excellent organisation skills and have a knack of communicating and mediating between different parties, and therefore finding a middle ground and helping people with very diverse opinions arrive at consensus comes quite easily to them. This particular characteristic of theirs can make them an asset for their employers. And when they are employers, their qualities enable Virgo to harmonise and stabilise their workforce quite well.

Known for their analytical mind, the Virgo have the potential to reach great heights in professions where precision is called for. They should choose professions that have growth potential. Hence, a profession in Math, Physics, Finance, Engineering, Research, Medical, Architecture, Investment and Stock Market may prove to be a good career choice. Also, these helpful and observant people make great data analysts, contractors, accountants, lawyers and teachers. 

On the downside, though, a Virgo’s demand for perfection borders on obsession, which may, at times, make them miss deadlines. Also, they often end up spending too much time doing one particular task only, needless to say in an attempt to do it perfectly, leaving rest of the projects or tasks incomplete. Also, they tend to overcomplicate things and are quick to criticise. Since anything less than perfect is not acceptable to them, it is quite possible that their co-workers find it difficult to match up to their standards and get along with them. 

Because they have fixed opinions, which are strongly backed by facts and figures, it is often a tough task to convince the Virgo to change their mind. An accommodating approach may take them a long way on the career path. It would also mean that the would be more adaptable to adverse situations and not get stuck in one particular job.